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NY City Bar & Bat Mitzvah Photography - NYC Photos by Photographer Teri Bloom
This bat mitzvah photography album is made by NYC photographer Bloom.
Bar mitzvah photographer coffee table book created by NY City bat mitzvah photographer.
This coffee table album book of bar bat mitzvah photography is made by NYC photographer Teri Bloom.
Leather craftsmen bar mitzvah album created by New York City bat mitzvah photographer Teri Bloom.

Creating a bar or bat mitzvah photography album is a great way to remember this memorable occasion. Once your favorite mitzvah photos are selected, we'll create an editorial-style album that reflects the energy and personality of the day. A wide range of photo albums and coffee-table books are available.

Please note that each bar or bat mitzvah album is custom-produced. Photos are cropped to strengthen composition, retouched if necessary and printed for consistent color. We work with Leather Craftsmen and other manufacturers to offer you a diverse range of choices.