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NY City Bar & Bat Mitzvah Photography - NYC Photos by Photographer Teri Bloom
Bar bat mitzvah photographer Teri Bloom interviewed for tv show about professional photography in NY City.

Teri is a photographer mentor for Vocation Vacations, an exciting national program in which people spend a few days testing out new careers. She has coached many young photographers and has taught them about professional business practices and starting a photography business in their chosen speciality.

NY bar and bat mitzvah photographer quoted in this b'nai mitzvah book about nyc professional photographers.

Teri gives helpful tips for successful bar and bat mitzvah photography in "Mitzvah Chic", a guide to planning your child's bar or bat mitzvah celebration. The website also has lots of great information for planning the details for your child's bar or bat mitzvah:

NY City family and children's photographer, Teri Bloom, quoted in Esquire Magazine.

Here's an editorial piece about how to take better family photos. Esquire Magazine contacted us to ask what tricks professional photographers use when taking portraits of family gatherings and this article was released in their 2011 holiday issue.